Study on Software Reverse Engineering

This study, sanctioned by the University of Maryland, College Park and Tufts University Institutional Review Boards, is designed to develop a better understanding of how practitioners reverse engineer software systems.

Participation in this study will consist of an approximately 90-minute interview. During the interview participants will be asked to walk the interviewer through the process they used recently when reverse engineering a software system. Throughout, the interviewer will take note of the different questions the participant tries to answer about the program, the ways they answer these questions, and the decisions they make.

We will not ask any participants to disclose confidential or proprietary information.

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About Our Study

We are seeking people with experience reverse engineering software. This includes bug bounty hunters, malware analysts, privacy auditors, and other Information Security professionals.

By understanding the methods, motivations, and resources used by practitioners, we aspire to develop better tools to support their reverse engineering efforts.

If selected, you will be paid $40.00 for a 1.5-hour interview via video conference that will positively contribute to your community's knowledgebase.

We will protect the privacy of any information shared during the interviews. Participants may withdraw or choose to not answer any question throughout the interview. All gathered data will be encrypted and securely stored without any personally identifiable information.

You are eligible for this study if:

  • You are over 18 years of age
  • You regularly perform reverse engineering tasks

Contact Us

Would you like to participate in this study? Click here to take a quick screening questionnaire.

Have any questions, comments, or concerns about this study?
Please feel free to reach out to us!